공부노트/국어3 전세방 or 전셋방 which word is correct? 전세방 or 전셋방 (a rented room) 전세집 or 전셋집 (a rented house) which word is correct? Even many Koreans use it incorrectly. the answer is 전세방(O) / 전셋방(X) 전세집(X) / 전셋집(O) because 방 is origin from Hanji language. (房) but 집 is pure Korean language. it makes difference. Hanji + Hanji word = 전세 + 방 (a rented room) > 전세방 but Hanji + pure word = 전세 + 집 (a rented house) > 전셋집 It's very difficult 😖 2018. 4. 22. What's the difference between 이에요/예요 이에요 / 예요 if front word has a final consonant, you can use "이에요" but if don't have final consonant, you can use "예요" ex> 저것은 연필이에요 (that is pecil) 필 = ㅍ + ㅣ + ㄹ. so 필 has final consonant "ㄹ" so you can use "이에요" next to "연필" ex2> 이름이 뭐예요? (what's your name?) 뭐 = ㅁ + ㅝ . finished in vowel. don't have final consonant. so you can use "예요" But there are exceptions. "아니에요" "아니" doesn't have a final co.. 2018. 4. 21. What's the difference between 아니오 / 아니요 아니오 / 아니요 both words express "no" but it uses different way 아니오 = "아니다"의 하오체 표현 아니다(adj) + 오 -> 아니오 아니오 is always placed end of the sentence. ex> 나는 학생이 아니오. (I'm not a student) 아니요(interjection) A reply to a question it is always placed in front of the sentence. 숙제 다 했니? (did you finish your homework?) 아니요! 아직 다 못했어요 (No, I don't) Quiz for you 이놈! 네가 유리창을 깨뜨렸지? ( ), 제가 안 그랬어요 1. 아니요 2. 아니오 answ.. 2018. 4. 17. 이전 1 다음